Health Insurers Face Extinction... Aetna ACEO Says

At a recent conference in Las Vegas, Aetna CEO, Mark Betolini, made a statement "The system doesn't work, it's broke today" along side with "Reform is not going to stop.  It won't go away".  Could be a sign that Healthcare Reform had made an impact that is here to stay.

This is almost like the impact the dinosaurs had when an asteroid collided into the earth. Maybe the health insurance companies are working in the land before there was time. Now, it could be just a matter of time before only a few will actually survive. In the state of Iowa, as of 4Qtr of 2011, 13 carriers had left the Iowa market, leaving only 22 carriers to spare. This equates to about one carrier every month exiting the market. Indiana had nearly 10 percent of their health carriers exit the market. It is possible that other states could have more carriers that already exited the health insurance market. Moving one step closer to extinction.

One of the promises made by President Obama to the American people before the health overhaul law was passed in 2010 was "If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what." The law is not even in full effect until 2014 and many carriers are dropping out of the market. This is causing millions of people to lose their current coverage. My instinct says there is more to come.

There are already hundreds of mandates an insurance company must obey in order to sell insurance. Some carriers are leaving because they can't take on any more mandates. Other carriers have had a financial impact somehow. In either case, health insurers may be laying to rest, in a box with a flower in their hand six feet under.

As we move into unchartered waters, stay close to a reputable health insurance agent. Your close contact could save you problems as we move ahead into healthcare reform.

Butch Zemar
Elite Benefits of America