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Utopian promises, people shouting, and never-ending analysis on healthcare has probably made you think twice before turning on CNN or picking up a newspaper. If you are tuning in to the great debate that has descended on our country, chances are...
I just received an interesting email newsletter from Wilma “LTC Coach” Anderson, one of America’s foremost Long-Term Care Insurance marketers. Here’s what she had to say (verbatim)… “It’s TIME to start selling Critical Illness insurance. ...
Some clients believe that Health Insurance is not necessary since their Auto Insurance provides medical payment coverage. They argue that Auto Insurance is going to protect them from health service bills, so why pay another premium to cover the ...
Today is quite different when it comes to getting access to health insurance . In fact it is so different you need to make a decision to either take your health insurance at work or go to the open market and purchase your own plan. Some employ...
The internet has changed the way we do things. You can “ Google ” symptoms of a medical condition to get other people’s experience with the same condition or get a prognosis for the problem. We move to shopping online for things we need. Amazon g...
Ever wonder what its like to breath underwater? Join us underwater on October 17th. The Discover Scuba Diving program lets you experience the thrill of diving in a pool. During your adventure, you’ll master some basic concepts and have a lot of fun...
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