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On March 21, with an overwhelming vote of 79-20, the Senate Democrats voted to repeal the 2.3 percent sales tax on medical devices such as catheters, pacemakers and MRI machines. This was intended to help finance coverage for the uninsured that star...
Check out our new e-book, A small Business Guide to Income Replacement for Sick Business Owners: Get your copy today! Thank you, Butch Zemar
Businesses, individuals and families are even more confused about where they can buy health insurance come 2014. Some think they have to buy inside the exchange. This is simply not the case. So what do you do? Get informed! The exchanges wer...
Be aware of the Requirements for employers for Obamacare. Here are a few for employers: Fewer than 50 employees - no big obligations Maybe eligible for tax credit if under 25 employees and wages average less than 50,000 ann...
PCIP is changing things 10 months prior to the start date, January 1st, 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented. Some have already put a spin on it saying they are winding the program down for 2014. If you take a look at this source, according ...
Around the Chicago area, as well as many other parts of the country, we have recently seen a bigger spike in health insurance premiums than in the last 24 months or so on the individual market. There are many contributing factors as to why, but for ...
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