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Nobody wants his or her income to be taken away. If we had total control over our future, like a crystal ball, we would never worry about money vaporizing one day. One in three people will lose their ability to earn an income prior to the age of 65....
Question: What is the out-of pocket limits for 2015? Answer: For 2015, please be aware that there will two different out-of-pocket limits. Overall Out-of-Pocket Limits: There is an overall cost-sharing limitation to all non-gran...
In my town of Romeoville, Illinois or any other town in America, now that Open Enrollment under the Affordable Care Act has concluded, the only way to purchase Health Insurance is through a Special Election Period. Similar to an SEP in the Medicare A...
Credit: Everyone has tasks to do on their desk and will always run into issues of completing more. Somethings just have to come off the employer's desk. This is where outsourcing or delegation is needed. For som...
April 1, 2014 the day after open enrollment ended for the Affordable Care Act, we are starting to hear from the White House that the enrollments are near 7 million. 7 million is significant, because the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO)...
Section 213 of "Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014" repeals the annual deductible limit requirement for small employer insured health plans that was to be effective for plan years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2014. The repeal of the Affordabl...
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