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No Green Beer, but Navy Green with Corned Beef and Cabbage Somewhere in the middle of the ocean somewhere will be a US Navy ship. Painted light gray in color while wearing with pride a white number bold and big for all to see throughout the world. In...
Take the approach you do with all other expenses within the company and see if there is a better way. If costs keep going up in any other area of the business, you would combat it to keep it down. Why not health care spend? That's why we came up with...
Video Clip 1: Interview with Marshall Allen, Author Never Pay The First Bill | The Zemar Podcast Our health care system is not broken. It's working exactly how it was designed. "Individuals and employers can push back against this totally unfair, unj...
It's just painful. It's awful. Some would instead get a root canal than deal with health insurance. It's so painful and exhausting. Every year it's a daunting task for most, even those who make big decisions for the company. It's a mammoth. A beast. ...
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