Plans that provide coverage for dependents are required to extend the coverage of dependents (adult children) to age 26, regardless of their eligibility for other insurance coverage, effective Sept. 23, 2010. Plans must provide coverage to all eligible dependents, including those who are not enrolled in school, not dependents on their parents' tax returns, and those who are married.
Grandfathered plans (group health plans and group health insurance coverage only) are not required to cover adult children to the age of 26 if the adult child is eligible to enroll in another employer-sponsored health plan. This is in effect until the first plan renewal date on or after Jan. 1, 2014.

Video: Adult Child Coverage
Thanks to a provision in the Affordable Care Act, health care now runs in the family – a bit longer for dependent children.View video
For More Information
Dependent Coverage to Age 26 Provision Summary (PDF)