Obama is Not Clowning Around; Or is He?

This week started out with someone being banned from the rodeo in Missouri for wearing a mask that resembles the face of President Obama. If it was a mask of anyone else, like we have seen in the past, we would have never heard about it, outside of the rodeo itself. After all, it is just some plastic and a rubber string, right? What if Obamacare was just a mask in disguise?

There are some hidden secrets within the government these days, as we all know.  Obamacare is no different.  Obamacare is masked with pretty smelling roses and a bunch of bliss.  Very similar to a mask being worn at the rodeo in Missouri.  Some of the people at the rodeo are upset and one is now banned from the rodeo altogether.  

Obamacare on the other hand is upsetting millions of people.  Politicians were convinced to go against their instincts by closed door political bribery.  In fact, the constitution was bent to make it constitutional.  In the end, the voice of majority of the tax paying American citizens was silently banned, just to win votes of a small portion of that population of the United States.

As we move closer to full implementation of healthcare reform, aka Obamacare, it is being unmasked.  Many that were in favor are now seeing the true colors of what it really represents.  As the mask is removed, premiums are going through the roof and many of Americans are about to lose their coverage at the end of 2013 and converted to something that the government thinks they should have.  

The promise that if you like your coverage, you can keep it, and if you like your doctor, you can keep them, is not so true anymore.  This is where the mask has been removed.  Many of us were led to believe that this was going to be the next best thing for America. It is our tax paying Americans that are left with higher taxes, higher premiums and had just lost the coverage they were promised to keep if they like the coverage.  It all started out looking and smelling good, but in the end it was just someone in a mask clowning around. 

Photo Credits: nydailynews.com